Our Commitment to Continuous Education

MJS Packaging continues to partner with leaders in the industry to provide insights about current and future packaging trends.

As part of this endeavor, we will be hosting webinars that explore various packaging options and to help guide our customers on their upcoming product packaging decisions. As webinars are hosted and released, they will be listed here on this page for your viewing convenience. If you have any questions about them, or any of the information within them, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Best Practices for Sourcing Caps, Liners & Equipment for Induction Sealing Success

Unlocking the Essentials Exploring Liner Types and Applications & Liners


Troubleshoot Inconsistent Seals Caused By Caps, Containers & Liners

Need to Vent? Packaging Solutions for Industrial & Household Chemicals

Desiccants 101: Preserving & Protecting Your Product

Sustainable Barrier Packaging: A Guide to Fluorination

Exploring Tube Packaging

A Guide to Labels: Perfecting Your Product’s Billboard